Hero has wings!… 2023
Loved by Robin Korotki
Devoted companion
Queenstown Hero V Snowking
On September 7, 2023 at 449 pm, Hero’s battle with Wobblers ended. The disease broke his body but not his spirit or his ability to live.His disease created a special language with me as his barks told me what he physically needed. He spent his last days with 2 and r legged friends getting rubbies, ice cream and being told stories about why he was so special. I know you will be waiting for me with a body restored and your smile. Forever my Brave Boy, it’s goodbye/shalom for now. Honored to have been your human. Robin
Bliss… 2019
Loved by Janet Hughes
Devoted companion
In 2008, while working as a subcontractor on US Army Base, Fort Bliss, Texas, a very thin, worn out and obviously abandoned black and tan German Shepherd stumbled through the desert onto our base camp. I immediately took her in, fed her and bathed her. I named her Scout. A very friendly, dog, Scout accompanied me everywhere on the remainder of my 3-month tour of Fort Bliss.
In a few weeks, Scout started showing signs of being pregnant. And sure enough, she whelped in our military trailer early one morning. I chose to keep one of the black and tan females and named her Bliss after her birthplace and also, based on a premonition of what she would become to me. Shockingly, DNA testing of numerous pups revealed they were purebred GSDs!
Bliss proved far beyond my expectations – extraordinarily smart and intuitive, she soon became the bedrock of my life. In June of 2019, I received devastating news during an emergency vet trip that Bliss had the always deadly and devastating Hemangiosarcoma. I elected immediate surgery for her and they removed the primary tumor. Bliss did well but in her 3rd week of recovery, she collapsed with a major bleed one Saturday morning while playing.
Still grieving, I honor the life and love of this most extraordinary of gifts: Bliss
Sarge, 2011 – 2022
Loved by Michael O’Hara
Devoted companion
Sarge arrived at my home on Saturday May 30, 2018 (as a Rescue) and one day later he was sleeping with his head on my leg. He filled my home with gentle Berner Love. He passed away on April 22nd, 2022 at the age of 11 years and 2 months. He loved to sleep at the far end of my sofa and would hold my feet with his paws. It has taken me these many weeks so that I could finally write these words to say, If you get the chance to RESCUE a DOG, please DO IT.
Athena, 2010 – 2022
Loved by Tina Stamidis
Devoted companion
She was my shadow and had already been there for me four times when my sugar level dropped. Every day, she would sit across the room and would follow me with her eyes to make sure I am ok. Funny thing she trained Aphrodite to do the same. I will miss her.

Samson Kahn
2011 – February 22, 2021
Samson was rescued from Howard County Animal Control. He was found running the streets and was originally named “Ridgely” after the road he was found on. We adopted Samson in early April. When we picked him up and he weighed in at 66lbs. We were told he was 8 years old. Samson quickly grew and by September weighed 115lbs. I worked with Samson all summer teaching him how to sit, stay, come and heal. I never expected him to form such a protective bond with Mike so quickly. After a year at DOTC, and Samson not passing the first lesson of the first class, we were asked to keep Samson at home so that his bond with Mike could continue to grow. Samson became extremely gentle with Mike and followed him everywhere. If Mike lost his balance and fell, Samson would be there for him to use to get up. Mike passed away in January 2020 and I think Samson felt very lost without his human. Samson passed away, a year later, February 22, 2021 from the same disease his human had.
March 1, 2011 – April 29, 2020
On April 29, one of my cattle dogs, Stormy, lost her battle with lymphoma. Stormy had such a strong presence about her. She was alpa to the core. She was the watchdog. She never let anyone pass in front of our house without an alert. She was not friendly to other dogs at all, yet she did accept our big male chessie Duke. She would jump up on his shoulder to play with him. If she didn’t know you, she would bark and be wary, but if she liked you, she would skip to meet you and give you kisses. When Blue and Stormy were young and in obedience training, my daughter Annah trained Stormy. Whenever Stormy did something right, Annah would say “Good Job Stormy!” Over time, that became a saying in our house. Whenever anybody, human or canine, did something good, they would get a hearty “Good Job Stormy!”. We use it all the time, everywhere. We get some funny looks sometimes, and then we tell the story. It will always be a legacy for Stormy.
Over the last year Stormy had many medical issues. She was diagnosed with diabetes in March 2019, and went on insulin twice a day. Last October she got really sick, and after a week of vet visits, ER vet visits, and testing, they determined she had a bowel blockage. She survived the emergency surgery, and peritonitis, and 12 days in intensive care. Once she came home she developed huge abscesses on her shoulders from the fluids they were giving her, which created huge wounds across her shoulders, which I treated twice a day for over a month until they healed. And a little over two months ago she was diagnosed with lymphoma.
And through all of this she never complained, or growled at anyone treating her. She did her watchdog duties, and loved to lay in the sunshine. She wanted to go outside to play with her toy, and was always ready for a car ride. She was a tough and loyal companion. My heart aches for her, and my house is too empty. It doesn’t matter how many dogs you have, when one of them is gone, there is a huge hole. I hope she has met some old companions, and made some new friends. Until we meet again, “Good Job Stormy”.
Bizzmar Hamlet (Rerun)
9/9/1999 – 8/25/2015
Rerun was only supposed to stay 1 week, when I picked him up at 11 months of age. He did a lot more that I thought he would, in the areas of rally and agility. Below is the list of highest titles in each activity that he earned during the 15 years I had him. In 2008, he was ranked 13th in the top 25 cockers with placements in Rally Advanced and Excellent. Although he never got a tracking title or a nosework title, he enjoyed those activities as well. He will be missed. AKC – rally, obedience & agility Bizmar Hamlet CD, RAE2, AX, AXJ, NF, AXP, AJP, NXP UKC – rally, obedience & agility UCD, UAG1, URO3 Bizzmar Hamlet CPE agility C-ATCH2 Bizzmar Hamlet ChJU, ChST, ChCL, ChFH, ChWC NADAC agility Bizzmar Hamlet S-NAC, O-NCC, NJC-200, S-TN-N, O-TG-N, O-WV-N, HP-N, Novice Versatility, 1000 Lifetime Points USDAA agility Bizzmar Hamlet SPJ
Dezwin’s Dream Catcher (Catcher)
Catcher has caught a lot of dreams with me and been a great teammate through our 12 year journey. I will miss his “comments” on my handling in agility.
Titles and activities: AKC rally, obedience, tracking, agility & trick dog – Dezwin’s Dream Catcher VCD1 RAE TDU MX MXJ MJB MXP AJP MXF XFP T2B TKN; UKC rally, obedience, agility & conformation – UGRACH, UROC, UCD, CH Dezwin’s Dream Catcher; CPE agility – C-ATE, C-ATCH3 Dezwin’s Dream Catcher ExST, ExCL, ExWC, ExSN, ExJP, ExFH, ExJU; NADAC agility – Dezwin’s Dream Catcher O-OCC, S-EJC, O-EAC, O-TG-E, TNE-400, WVE-300, O-HP-E, BR-E, 2500 Lifetime Points; USDAA agility – Dezwin’s Dream Catcher AD, AG; NAFA flyball – Dezwin’s Dream Catcher FGDCH; Barn Hunt – Dezwin’s Dream Catcher RATNX, RATO, CZ8B; MDSA freestyle – Dezwin’s Dream Catcher NFD
UKC CH RBIS RO3 Snowking’s Titan of Winterthur CD BN GN RAE2 NDD FDC TKN CGCU THD, 3/5/2010 – 7/31/2019
“Our journey together has ended but the memories will last a lifetime.”
Robin Korotki
This memorial wall is dedicated to Sascha Dodgetta von der Misty Ridge CDX PCDX RM4 RAE13 OAP OJP CGCA CGCU TKP beloved friend, companion and teammate of DOTC President, Gail Phillips (2016 to present). Sascha crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 24 August 2018. This wall will serve to celebrate and memorialize our dearly loved and missed companions who have gone ahead and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Until we meet again…