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DOTC members and trainees:

NO DOTC classes, tonight, Feb. 12, 2025 due to Carroll County closing schools for the day, due to the snow. Stay safe, keep practicing, hope to see you next week.

NOTE TO MEMBERS: You should have received a new “newsletter” this week. Please email Gail (gail.m.phillips@comcast,net) if you did not receive one.

A memorial service celebrating Maggie’s life will be held on Sunday, April 27th at 1 pm at Howard Community College’s Smith Theater in Columbia, MD. Following the service, there will be a reception in the lobby. Light refreshments will be served.

Session 3 class offerings and registration forms are here!

Returning members: send your Registration forms, your Class Choice form (for each dog), and a copy of your dog(s)’ current rabies certificate to Registrar Cleo Curry, along with your dues check.

New trainees: please send the same forms as above (3- page registration form; class choice page; and copy of the current rabies certificate) plus the Basic Class New Dog Information Form telling us about your dog(s).

All members, and potential members: please take time to look over the calendar for the year, paying attention to the nights that are Meeting nights. One of the expectations of membership is to attend, and participate in, these meetings. While the Board meets every month, we need the input and support of the general membership to keep this club alive and healthy for another 90+ years!

Class Schedule Winter 2025 (Session 3)

Classes start January 22nd, 2025

2024-2025 Calendar

Class Schedule – Session 3

Class Choices- Session 3

Member Financial Aid Form 

New Registration Forms: 

2024-2025 BASIC CLASS Dog Information


Basic Orientation (WITHOUT YOUR DOG)  will start at 6:30 on January 15th 2025.

You will use the Dues/Fees form to register for your class(es). Fees will then need to be mailed ASAP, using the Dues/Fees form to:                                                                   

Cleo Curry
505 South Bend Court
Westminster, MD 21157

Any questions about classes and registration, please call Cleo: 

410 – 963 – 0446

Please have your fees paid by the week before classes start or ASAP.  Thank you.   

DOTC Accepts ALL dog breeds and is a member club of the AKC. Therefore, we support and adhere to the rules and regulations of our parent organization. To that end we follow their training guidance and philosophy – treat all dogs with respect and kindness. Training is based on that premise – handlers are taught to teach and train their dogs through repetition, encouragement, praise, treats, kindness, love and affection. Harsh discipline is NOT accepted for any reason or excuse! Such action by a handler is grounds for expulsion from both the DOTC and the AKC! Handlers are to only use buckle collars, slip collars, and martingales – e-collars are never accepted. Prong collars may only be used in exceptional cases only with the approval of our Training Director.

  • Basic Class students and / or first-time trainers with us can expect to pay $120 for the 8 weeks of classes in their first session. Annual Training Dues for returning members is $160, this year.

Registration Forms:


Premium Listing for our March Obedience & Rally Trial

DOTC 2025 Premium – Final

Pictures from our 86th Annual Obedience and Rally Trial 

Thank you Jacqueline Barbour and Kara Ellison for the photos. They are available to view and purchase. 25% of all sales will be donated to DOTC

Click to View the Photos


DOTC Snow/Weather Closing Policy

Classes are cancelled if evening classes/activities are cancelled for Carroll County Schools.



DOTC Class Offerings


Hooray! DOTC has been approved as an AKC Fit Dog Club! Be watching for our Fit Dog classes and activities! We are so excited!


DOTC Farm Dog Certification testing videos

15 November 2020

Of Interest…

DOTC Bylaws – AKC Ratified, 8 February 2019

We are happy to inform you that our DOTC Bylaws have been ratified by the AKC Board of Directors…

Check out Class Registration (All breeds welcome) and our Calendar for the current training season.

Of Interest

Here’s an article on an important topic:
Maryland’s laws when a pet bites someone…

For more information on registration for classes:

Gail Phillips, DOTC President

Please remember DOTC Accepts ALL dog breeds…