Session 3 class offerings and registration forms are here!
Basic Orientation is January 15th, 2025
Classes Start January 22nd, 2025
Returning members: send your Registration forms, your Class Choice form (for each dog), and a copy of your dog(s)’ current rabies certificate to Registrar Cleo Curry, along with your dues check.
New trainees: please send the same forms as above (3- page registration form; class choice page; and copy of the current rabies certificate) plus the Basic Class New Dog Information Form telling us about your dog(s).
All members, and potential members: please take time to look over the calendar for the year, paying attention to the nights that are Meeting nights. One of the expectations of membership is to attend, and participate in, these meetings. While the Board meets every month, we need the input and support of the general membership to keep this club alive and healthy for another 90+ years!
Class Schedule Winter 2025 (Session 3)
Note: There appears to be a new strain of kennel cough in our area. If your dog(s) has/have been exposed or is/are showing symptoms, please do not bring that/those dog(s) to class. If your dog does get sick, please do not bring the dog(s) to class for at least 2 weeks after the last of the symptoms have cleared up. Thank you.
Session 3 Class Schedule:
2024-2025 Calendar
Class Schedule – Session-3
Class Choices – Session 3
New Registration Forms:
2024-25 BASIC CLASS Dog Information
Basic Orientation (WITHOUT YOUR DOG) will start at 6:30 on January 15th 2025.
You will use the Dues/Fees form to register for your class(es). Fees will then need to be mailed ASAP, using the Dues/Fees form to:
Cleo Curry
505 South Bend Court
Westminster, MD 21157
Any questions about classes and registration, please call Cleo:
410 – 963 – 0446
Please have your fees paid by the week before classes start or ASAP. Thank you.
DOTC Accepts ALL dog breeds and is a member club of the AKC. Therefore, we support and adhere to the rules and regulations of our parent organization. To that end we follow their training guidance and philosophy – treat all dogs with respect and kindness. Training is based on that premise – handlers are taught to teach and train their dogs through repetition, encouragement, praise, treats, kindness, love and affection. Harsh discipline is NOT accepted for any reason or excuse! Such action by a handler is grounds for expulsion from both the DOTC and the AKC! Handlers are to only use buckle collars, slip collars, and martingales – e-collars are never accepted. Prong collars may only be used in exceptional cases only with the approval of our Training Director.
- Basic Class students and / or first-time trainers with us can expect to pay $120 for the 8 weeks of classes in their first session. Annual Training Dues for returning members is $160, this year.
Registration Forms:
Class Descriptions:
Conformation/Breed Handling:
The original sport of the American Kennel Club.
Experienced instructors will guide both novice and experienced handlers through the subtle art of showing in breed classes. Instruction will include how to get the most out of your dog – highlighting their positive traits while minimizing less desirable characteristics. The instructor will show how to stack, gait, and show your dog to its maximum potential. You will learn many “tricks of the trade” and ring etiquette. It will also cover conditioning your dog to get it ready for exhibiting/dress code for ring/leads and collars/entry completion.
Obedience – Developed in the 1930s, Obedience is AKC’s oldest performance event. From walking on- and off-leash to retrieving and jumping, or demonstrating your dog’s ability to stay, every dog owner should consider some form of obedience training. It’s the best way to establish good communication skills between you and your dog – and to make sure that your dog is the most well-behaved one in your neighborhood!
S.T.A.R Puppy – This class covers the 4 areas necessary for you and your puppy to have a good life together: Socialization, Training, Activity, and Responsible ownership. This class is open to puppies from 12 weeks old to six months of age. All puppy vaccinations (shots) should be completed prior to the beginning of classes.
Basic/Beginner Obedience – This class is the introduction level for all training events whether it be obedience, rally, or tricks. This 8 week class teaches the handler how to train basic commands such as heeling, sit, down, come, and stay. This class is for dogs over 4 months of age. The class consists of one orientation class (without the dog) and 8 weeks of class instruction. This class is intended for older puppies and adult dogs just starting an obedience program. Dogs that are older than 6 months should enter this class rather than S.T.A.R. Puppy.
Advanced Basic Obedience – Advanced Basic is for those who’ve just completed a Basic class and need to continue building their skill level. Skills taught at this level include Sit, Down, Walk/Heel, Stay and Come. This class will prepare you and your dog to take the Canine Good Citizen test and earn an AKC title!
Show Training Beginner Novice (BN) – This class is the first level of obedience titles. In Beginner Novice you and your dog will be introduced to heeling and basic heeling patterns. You and your dog will learn to read and follow posted directions while heeling a pattern. A Sit for Exam (on leash) and a Sit-Stay and Recall (both off-leash) will be taught. This is the beginner show level.
Show Training Novice (CD) – In Novice you and your dog will continue to build on your strengths and improve your communication skills. It will include footwork during heeling, correct handling and motivational techniques for dog/handler teams, in addition to heeling on leash, dogs will heel off leash, do a Stand for Exam and a 35’ Recall (both off-leash). Group Stays (Sit and Down – on leash) are also included. This class will prepare dogs to compete for AKC Companion Dog (CD) title.
Show Training Open – Acceptance upon approval of the Training Director and Obedience Instructors. Please contact the DOTC Registrar for more information.
Rally: Rally is a TEAM sport relatively new AKC performance sport which focuses on building a strong foundation of teamwork between you and your dog. Rally is FUN! Handlers and their dogs will traverse a course of upward of 25 “signs” designed to test both skills and communications.
Rally Novice (RN) – Novice Rally will introduce the handler/dog team to the world of Rally. Dogs will be worked on-lead and will learn such skills as sit/stay/down, simple movements such as circles and turns and changes of pace. Ultimately, the teams will be able to complete a course containing up to 15 skills.
Rally Intermediate/Advanced – This class is the transition between on-leash (Novice) and off-leash (Advanced). Skills presented at Intermediate will use all Novice and Advanced level (with the exception of the jump) but will be conducted on-leash. New skills will be more complex and will include both right and left pivots. Courses may have up to 17 signs.
Rally Excellent – Acceptance upon approval of the Rally Instructors. Please contact the DOTC Registrar or President, Gail Phillips ( for more information.
Rally Master – Acceptance upon approval of the Training Director and Rally Instructors. Please contact the DOTC Registrar for more information.
Tricks: Teaching your dog tricks is a fun and entertaining way to an even smarter, more focused pet and you will both have a blast showing off tricks! You’ll learn a variety of tricks, including: spin, twirl, tunnel, weave pole, shake hands, high five, sit pretty, roll over, take a bow, play dead, crawl, kiss, ring a bell and more! Your dog will love this class and so will you! You and your dog will have the opportunity to earn AKC Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Performer, and Elite titles.
Scent Work: This course is designed to teach you and your dog to independently search for objects for a reward. This Prep Course lays the foundation to introduce odor for competition in AKC Scent Work Trials. Weeks 1-6 are spent developing the dog’s drive to search. Weeks 7 & 8, the dog is introduced to Odor. Depending on the dog’s drive, Odor may be introduced as early as Week 6. The course focuses on containers only. (For more details about this exciting new dog sport, see the AKC website.)
For more information on registration for fall classes:
Cleo Curry, DOTC Registrar
505 South Bend Court, MD 21104
Gail Phillips, DOTC President
Helpful links:
For everything Rally:
For everything Obedience: