
2024-2025 Training Year Calendar – updated 2/12/25

* Please don’t bring your dogs to Basic Orientations…
Bring them along for the next 8 weeks of your Basic classes.

All dates are subject to change due to weather and other events or conditions.

DOTC 2024- 2023 Schedule

2024 Date:Event Description:
4-SeptBasic Orientation; all other classes begin
11-SeptAll Classes
18-SeptAll Classes
25-SepAll Classes
28-SepSet up for ATT
29-SepATT @ Ag Center
2-OctAll Classes
9-OctAll Classes
16-OctAll Classes
23-OctAll Classes
Oct 31 &
Nov. 1
FastCAT events, Walkersville, MD
6-NovAll Classes
13-NovAll Classes
20-NovAll Classes
27-NovNo Classes – Thanksgiving Eve
4-DecAll Classes
11-DecAll Classes
General Meeting 7:00pm; Holiday Party to follow; onlyBasic & Puppy classes held;
25-Dec & 1-JanWinter Break
8-JanAll Classes
15-JanAll Classes( Orientation for next Basic Class)
22-JanAll Classes
29-JanAll Classes
5-FebAll classes canceled due to predicted due to predicted sleet & freezing rain 
12-FebAll classes canceled; Carroll County Schools closed due to snow/ice
19-FebAll Classes
26-FebGeneral Meeting 7:30; only Basic & Puppy classes held; if time allows CGC & Trick Testing
5-MarAll Classes
12-MarAll Classes
15-MarSet up for annual Obedience Trial & Rally Trials: Shipley Arena; hopefully start set up around 6PM, or earlier
16-Mar86th Annual Obedience Trial; Rally Trials; Shipley Arena
19-MarAll Classes
26-MarAll Classes;
Orientation for next Basic class
2-AprAll Classes
9-AprAll Classes
16-AprAll Classes
23-AprAll Classes
30-AprAll Classes
2-MaySet up for FastCAT 
3/4-MayFastCAT Events Walkersville MD
7-MayAll Classes
14- MayAnnual Meeting – Only Basic and Puppy Classes meets 
21-MayNO CLASSES – Ag Adventure! Building not available
28-MayObedience and Rally Fun Matches / “Snow Date”
Possibly Basic and Puppy classes
5-JuneFun Matches – Last night for this year (possible Snow Date)
9-JuneAnnual Awards Program and Picnic
12-JuneSet up for FastCAT 
13 – 14 JuneFastCAT Events 
7-JulyAKC ATT and Fetch Tests